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Batteries: How To Charge E-cigarette Batteries

New to vaping? Then you've come to the right place!

We recognise that new vapers are attempting to understand more about the batteries that are available on the market. All Totally Wicked electronic cigarette batteries must be charged using ONLY the correct charging equipment, be it USB cables, external chargers or dedicated e-cig chargers. The Totally Wicked USB charging cables must ONLY be used in either an appropriate USB port or with the Totally Wicked USB wall adaptor. All batteries come in two forms, Built-in and removable:

Charging Methods

Built in Battery

Built-in batteries are charged through an on-board USB port and allow your e-cig to be used while on charge.

E-cig charging

The light on the battery will flash to indicate a proper connection to a powered USB cable and depending on the e-cigarette, will pulse or glow to indicate charging or the battery symbol on the screen will pulse.

E-cig charging

Once charged, the colour on the button may change, or the battery symbol will flash showing full, once this happens the USB cable can be removed. Charging most batteries should take between 3 - 4 hours for a full charge (depending on the battery size). It is advisable that you only charge your battery once it is completely depleted.

Remember, every e-cigarette is different, so please check the product manual to see the indications of charging your e-cig.

Removable Battery

Removable batteries are externally charged in a separate charger, although some e-cigarettes have a USB port that allows you to charge it in the same way as a built-in battery. For this guide we will refer to the Avatar DigiCharger.

E-cig charging

Once connected to the charger, the screen will show the current battery charge and indicate that the battery is now charging.

E-cig charging

Once charged, the screen will display the fully charged symbol and the batteries can now be removed. Charging most batteries should take between 3 - 4 hours for a full charge. It is advisable that you only charge your battery once it is completely run down.

Remember, remove your batteries when they are fully charged.

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