Here at Totally Wicked nearly all of us avidly watched the BBC Horizon programme, “E-Cigarettes: Miracle or menace?” on Sunday 22 May this year. Let’s talk all things menthol.
Updated: 26th Jan 2020
Positive vaping news
We were pleased to see something overwhelmingly positive. It dispelled some of the old myths surrounding e-cigarettes. It is using science to demonstrate the considerable benefits of switching to vaping from smoking.
The Horizon programme did contain a short section with a toxicologist. Maciej Goniewicz, demonstrated some basic research. The effects of Menthol flavoured e-liquid upon the viability of cells derived from a human airway. After the conclusion of the experiment, 25% of the living cells survived after exposure to menthol flavour. 53% survived with a Pina Colada flavour, and only 6% survived after exposure to tobacco smoke.
Is it safe to inhale?
The programme makers suggested that this implied menthol was safe to eat, but less safe to inhale. We assume this was added to create a ‘balance’ in the programme.
No Petri dish cell study supports this claim. Cell studies have some value in the most preliminary stages of research. But to make claims regarding human inhalation safety based upon this single experiment is frankly ridiculous. The petri dish is an artificial environment. It does not even come close to the conditions found in the human body. This is why scientists must develop animal models. To more accurately study the effects of a substance within a living system.
Everyday additives
Menthol is a flavour additive in consumer and medicinal products.
You will have used many menthol containing products in your everyday lives, such as Vicks VapoRub and decongestant sweets. The responsible regulatory agencies in countries around the world deem menthol safe for inhilation. The inhalation safety of menthol has been extensively tested in both animal and human studies. This weight of evidence approach is consistent with the conclusion. That menthol has no causal relationship to adverse impacts on public health.
Menthol is a safe flavour for use in e-liquids, so keep on enjoying it!
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