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Box Mod Battery Units

Explore our range of box mod battery units below. Expect options for all your favourite brands.


2 Items

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  1. Eleaf iStick Power 2 5000mAh Mod
    • Charge much less often
    • Turn your power up or down
    • Fast charging
  2. arc GTi 3000mAh Battery Mod
    • Integrated 3000mAh battery
    • Adjustable settings
    • Up to 80W of power

2 Items

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Integral Battery Box Mods

Integrated battery box mods are simple to use. They have a battery built into the e-cig and are recharged using an on-board USB port. These are plug and play e-cigs, simply pop on a tank and vape.

Coming in a variety of sizes and styles there is a box mod with an integral battery for every vaper.

Removable Battery Box Mods

Removable battery box mods are great for vapers with a bit more experience.

Depending on the box mod they can house one or multiple removable batteries. They vary in style but tend to stick to a box shape. These mean you can carry multiple charged batteries, but you need to keep in mind battery safety, consider adding a protective battery case to your collection.

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