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Contact Us

We like to talk to our customers

Totally Wicked may be an international company, but we are a big vaping family. Although you are reading this online, we do not want to be faceless. We aren’t like other companies and actually want our customers to talk to us.

If you have a specific question, need some vaping advice or have a problem that needs solving it can be frustrating when you aren’t talking to an actual person. We have as many channels as we can think of so there is always a way to get in touch.

Call us - (+44)1254 692244 (not call and collect)

Email - [email protected]



Live Chat

Live chat is located in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Please note live chat is available Monday - Friday, 9.15am - 4pm

Come in and see us

We know some people prefer face to face service, so we have Totally Wicked stores up and down the country. If you ever have a problem with your e-cig, or just need an e-liquid top up use our store finder to find your local Totally Wicked vape shop.

If you don’t need to contact us, but want to stay up to date with the latest Totally Wicked news, sign up to our newsletter. We will not spam you with meaningless information. We send you two newsletters a week that are full of new products, current bargains and breaking vaping news.

Write to us: Pillbox38 UK Ltd, Totally Wicked, Stancliffe Street, Blackburn, BB2 2QR, United Kingdom

Company No. 06781419, Registered in United Kingdom
VAT No. GB 922 7544 21.
EEE Producer Registration Number - WEE/JA3156ZU
Battery Producer Registration Number - BPRN02513

What our customers say

"I just felt the need to send you an email to let you know that I think your customer service is the best I have ever come across. I have had a couple of problems with Ecigs bought from you, but each time you have sorted quibble...straight away. I will always recommend you to my friends and family.

Thanks again for making it so easy if there is a problem
" - Julie W.

General Opening Hours (GMT)

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: (+44)1254 692244 (not call and collect).

Head Office Retail Shop

Monday - Saturday: 9am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm

For all other store details please use our store finder.

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