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Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant

Right now there are people proudly protecting our nation, doing so with courage and commitment. Totally Wicked is proud to support our armed forces, not just those currently serving, but veterans, MOD civil servants and family members. Our roots mean we have a deep understanding of the armed forces and their sacrifice for their country, with our own Managing Director having served 28 years in the Royal Navy. Not only do we provide a permanent discount for forces personnel, we are a member of the Armed Forces Covenant and support fundraising activities for several organisations raising money for forces charities.

Totally supporting our Armed Forces

Proud Member of the Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation that those who are actively serving in the forces, veterans and their familes are treated fairly. It aims to remove some of the disadvantages of serving and opens up the relationship between the forces and civilian community.

This means that once a company has signed the Armed Forces Covenant it is a pledge to offer support and guidance to forces personnel. Totally Wicked has not only pledged to offer a permanent discount, but to help educate and guide members of the forces on the benefits of vaping vs smoking.

Read our Armed Forces Pledge

Defence Discount Service

Totally Wicked is proud to be a part of the Defence Discount Service, the only official Ministry of Defence discount service for the Armed Forces. The DDS covers serving and veteran forces members, spouses of serving personnel, bereaved family members, MOD civil Servants and Reserve forces members.

Please note: This exclusive 20% discount code is ONLY available through the DDS.

Save 15% with the code SAVE15