If you’ve been thinking about making the switch to vaping but you’re not sure it’s for you, then let Steven’s vaping success story reassure you. Steven was smoking over 50 cigarettes a day and was suffering from heart palpitations. He was one of Totally Wicked’s earliest customers and has reaped the rewards since making the switch.
Steven Wainwright’s Success Story
“E-cigs came out just at the right time for me. I was smoking 50 – 60 fags a day, costing me between £15 & £20 a day.
I was having heart palpitations. I would be just dozing off at night in bed and my heart would feel like it had just skipped a beat. I didn’t see anyone about it and it was starting to worry me. I knew I was slowly killing myself and had wanted to stop for a while.
I was getting sick of cigarettes too. I was smoking that much I didn’t seem to be getting much satisfaction out of them anymore. I’d tried so many times to stop but always failed after a few months.”
Steven then picked up an e-cig just as Totally Wicked was starting out over ten years ago. Since then he’s seen great improvements in his health and saved a small fortune.

“Within a week of going onto my e-cig, the heart palpitations stopped and have never returned. The e-cig was ideal because you still feel like you’re smoking because of the inhalation, so you don’t feel empty chested.”
“I don’t cough like I used to and neither me or my house stinks of stale fags anymore. I’ve got my smell and taste back and I feel 10 years younger.”
Steven also explained that vaping costs him just £1 a day, compared with the £15 – £20 a day he would spend on cigarettes. This is an annual saving of over £5000. He’s reduced his nicotine strength from 3.6% to 1.8% and has settled on strawberry as his all day vape.
“I would certainly recommend Totally Wicked to anyone thinking of giving it a go. They were the first company I ever heard of providing e-cigs and I’ve been with them since day one. Don’t take the risks of buying from back street dealers, you can be sure of getting genuine quality products from TW”
The monetary savings are of course important and £5000 a year for a decade is a huge amount of money. However, it’s the health improvements which inspired us the most. Steven explained that he ‘doesn’t think he’d even be here now if it wasn’t for e-cigs’.
Thank you for sharing your vaping success story, Steven and congratulations on making the switch to vaping!
In 2015, Public Health England estimated that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking. This figure has been upheld on numerous occasions.
If you’re a smoker and have been inspired by Steven’s story then visit Totally Wicked’s New to Vaping page.
If you’re a vaper and would like to share your story, contact us at [email protected].