Welcome to this vape juice review. It’s not very often that I will chip in my opinion when it comes to e-liquid, but I was lucky enough to test the new Diavlo flavours early and I felt this was the time to share my thoughts.
I have to caveat this by saying, that these are my opinions on e-liquid flavours and the thing about e-liquid is it is very personal. Much like food, what I might love, you might hate. So, while I will be as descriptive as possible, take them at face value and don’t shout at me if you taste something different. Deal?
Mad Dog Lenny (Iced Red Grape and Mixed Berries)
Official description – Not called a mad dog for nothing, all sides of Lenny are red and black with an arctic edge.
To my palate grape usually tastes like bubblegum, but this one absolutely doesn’t. It is red grape rather than a green grape and it makes a difference.
On the inhale I got a hit of red grape which is subtle and pleasant. On the exhale is the mixed berries with a coolness. The menthol is subtle to me, it’s not a smack you in the face element to the juice. But I do vape double menthol all day, so chances are what is subtle to me, might not be for you.
This is a layered juice with different notes on each vape. One for dark fruit lovers.
Yelena The Princess (Iced Strawberry Fusion)
Official description – This princess is sweet on the outside, but be warned, she is cold as ice.
I was excited to find out what made this a ‘fusion’. You can’t go wrong with a strawberry and menthol combo, but what else is hidden in this one.
Well on the inhale you get juicy natural strawberry, this isn’t like a strawberry candy, it is a ‘natural’ strawberry flavour, so nowhere near as sweet. Which is fantastic for vaping all day, as it won’t get sickly.
I found the menthol element more pronounced in this one as it is enhanced in this juice. On the exhale it becomes apparent what the fusion is, there are hints of eucalyptus and aniseed, which really bring the menthol out.
I think this is delightful and could vape it all day, the flavours complement each other in a surprising way and as someone who enjoys aniseed and ‘cool’ flavours its perfect.
Vlad The Suit (Iced Blackcurrant)
Official description – Never far from the boss, this right-hand man has a dark and frosty past.

Call me biased if you like, but I knew this would be a fantastic juice. We have perfected blackcurrant and I can say (having tried hundreds of e-liquids) that our blackcurrant flavour is one of the best available.
It’s exactly as I knew it would be. Deep and juicy blackcurrant with a cooling menthol that perfectly complements, I finished the bottle in no time as I couldn’t put this one down.
I loved vaping this, it is delightful and it will suit any vaper.
The Professor (Iced Mango)
Official description – The prof has to be cool and calm as the boss. Playing his card close to his chest, he hides an exotic interior.
I will be brutally honest, I wasn’t looking forward to trying this one, but I am glad I did. I am just not a fan of ‘exotic’ fruit juices, they tend to be creamy for some reason.

Oh boy I wasn’t expecting to love it, but I absolutely do. It is not a ‘fake’ mango flavour, it tastes like actual mango and it is delightful. The menthol at the end just adds a hint of coolness and the combo is surprisingly good.
On the very first inhale it is a massive hit of juicy mango flavour, enough to make your mouth water. It is not too much, or too little, the perfect all day vape.
This was a vape juice review of our new menthol flavours in the Diavlo range. Have you tried the new flavours? Let us know your review in the comments.